双语和纯英文配音哪个价格更合算 纯英文配音文案有什么

发表日期:2023-09-05 11:59:14






Anterioposterior Midline

Location: the anterior point is located at the superior border of the glabella, in the same position as yìn táng (印堂), and the posterior point is at the inferior border of the external occipital protuberance. The line is made by connecting the two points, crossing the vertex.

Superciliary Occipital Line

Location: The first point is located at the midpoint of the eyebrow, on the superior border; the occipital point lies at the apex of the external occipital protuberance. The line is made by connecting these two points, crossing the lateral side of the head.

Motor Area

Location: The superior point is located 0.5 cm behind the midpoint of anterioposterior midline, and the inferior point is located at the crossing point of superciliary occipital line and the lateral hairline. The line connecting these 2 points is the motor area. It can be pided into 3 parts: the upper part covers the upper 1/5 of the area, which is the motor area for the lower limbs and trunk; the middle part covers the middle 2/5, which is the motor area for the upper limbs; and the lower part covers the lower 2/5, which is the facial motor area and also speech area I.

Sensory Area

Location: The superior point is located 1.5 cm behind the superior point of the motor area, and the inferior point is 1.5 cm behind the inferior point of the motor area. The line connecting these 2 points is called the sensory area. It can also be described as the parallel line 1.5 cm behind the motor area. The sensory area can be pided into three parts: the upper part covers the upper 1/5 of the area, which is the sensory area for the lower limbs and trunk; the middle part covers the middle 2/5, which is the sensory area for the upper limbs; and the lower part covers the lower 2/5, which is the facial sensory area.


So your company has computers at every desk and on every lab, which is pretty expensive to manage and secure. Each time your company issues a computer, IT has to inpidually load of this, which is super time-consuming.


Then there are the special employees who want to choose their own laptops, something your company can’t offer. And if this corporate laptop breaks out in the field, well, the nightmare cycle repeats itself.

有些员工想选择自己的笔记本电脑,而你的公司无法实现这个愿望。如果公司的笔记本电脑在外面出现故障,噩梦就会重复。 There are solutions out there that promise to protect your date and simplify management, but they are so expensive and complex. You’ll need a whole sector to run them.

